Megadungeon: The Temple of Lesser Evils

Megadungeon: The Temple of Lesser Evils

Welcome to the Temple of Lesser Evils, where our characters follow in the footsteps of a princess and would-be goddess who had to pass numerous tests on her way to apotheosis. Clichéd fantasy from Arabian Nights meets Campbellian pseudo-myths, spirit-obsessed automatons, Confucian as-if rituals, and Habermasian realpolitik.

To become a god, the princess needed to confront her fears and desires — in the Temple of Lesser Evils. A journey into the Otherworld, haunted by the sins of the whole 5000-year reign of the Kaijuma Dynasty.

Today, the empire is long gone, and the vast Eidetic Desert has claimed the land. It's been just twenty years since the Rain of a Thousand Days has stopped, reviving the once barren land.

Near the Temple of Lesser Evils, and unaware of its existence, the ancient oasis Vattu has sprung up with new life. Soon, nomads, merchants, and new settlers moved in. They call their new home Padi Vattu ("the next Vattu"), founded on deliberative politics and decision-making. Exploration of the surroundings began. The bravest explorers found caves in the Coal Eyes Hills a few hours from Padi Vattu. Apparently, these caves had been used to host huge caravans. They also found faded-out frescos telling stories of this site's former importance to the Kaijuma dynasty. But until recently, people were still waiting to make out their functions. Massive gates set into the side of the hill stopped every further advance.

  • This is my megadungeon concept for the #Dungeon 23 creative exercise, suggested by Sean McCoy
  • Every month we create one level of the dungeon for a total of 12 in 2023. Every day one room for around 30 for each level. A baffling 365 rooms in total.
  • Drawing from inspiration from everywhere, eclectic collecting what I find, stealing with pride where I need some extra help
  • For cultic objects and magical artifacts, I get inspiration from A history of the world in 100 objects (I’ve got the German version called “Eine Geschichte der Welt in 100 Objekten”)
A history of the world in 100 objects (German version)
  • I borrow names from the ancient Persian and Babylonian languages
  • When I need some more creative stimulus, I ask ChatGPT for a random list, select from it and spin the thoughts further

The Music Album Cover

Sets some aesthetics, guides the level design with evocative names, and is just a lot of fun to create. ;-)

Level 1: Caves of the Auspicious Arrival

The first level of the megadungeon is the Caves of Auspicious Arrival. Here, the ruling families from across the realm gathered to celebrate the beginning of the princess' ordeals with a festival that lasted four weeks.

Jeshil Tenvarah, the first throat of the nine voices of the Kaijuma Dynasty, sings of the caves in her epic of Thamuad, the iridescent-faced princess:

In the Caves of the Auspicious Arrival, a magical place shrouded in mystery and legend, there lies a series of sleeping caves where the princess and her entourage rest and rejuvenate before descending into the Temple of Lesser Evils.

Deep within the caves lies the Unbarred Stable, home to the majestic beasts that serve as mounts for the dynasty. One can find camels, elephants, and even giant creatures of unimaginable strength and beauty here. These beasts are said to have powers beyond mortals and can traverse the celestial planes easily.

Near the stable is the Grand Kitchen, where the festive community feast upon the finest and most exotic foods and drinks. The banquets held here are said to be the most lavish and opulent in all the land, with dishes and delicacies from all corners of the world. All this they brought across the vast lands to this place. A cold storage house stretching many huge caves holds wine and beer for a thousand people. All are kept cool by mighty ice spirits guarding the finest ice cream.

For those seeking entertainment, there are playrooms filled with games and the most beautiful toys which come to life. There is also the Gallery of the Arrived, where the greatest heroes and champions of ages past are honored and remembered.

For those seeking spiritual enlightenment, the Endless Spiral of Shrines are dedicated to the house demons. Powerful spirits guard and protect the caves and keep everything in order. These shrines are said to be places of great power and energy where one can commune with the divine and seek guidance.

For those seeking relaxation and rejuvenation, there is a series of Thermae, where one can bathe in the healing waters and emerge feeling refreshed and renewed.

There is the Hall of Shared Justice dedicated to the new practice of deliberative decision-making for those seeking justice and resolution, where disputes between families and clans are finally put to rest and resolved. No god or demon presides over these proceedings, as the ritual ensures that justice is served.

Finally, in the Glow of the Divine, there are the graves of those deceased during the festival, considered to be the most blessed of all, where the spirits of the departed rest in peace and are remembered for all time.